| 97674 | /node/227706 | ET-REN GALDERA | default | |
| 97675 | /node/227706 | ETren galdera | default | |
| 97676 | /node/227697/delete | Kiriko oilarra ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97677 | /photo/do/201963/add | Aldaiaurrekoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97678 | /photo/do/201506/add | Aldaietxeberri orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97679 | /photo/do/201503/add | Gaztelugoikoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97680 | /photo/do/201505/add | Aldaigañekoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97681 | /photo/do/227265/add | Osingain orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97682 | /node/208578/edit?destination=grabaketak | Koldo Eleizalde grabaketak | default | |
| 97683 | /book/js/form | This will be the top-level page in this book. | default | |
| 97684 | /admin/reports/access-denied | Azken 'atzipena ukatuta' erroreak | default | |
| 97685 | /node/227270/delete | Beratzenabekoa ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97686 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/display/print | Configure how this content type's fields should be displayed when it's rendered in the following contexts. | default | |
| 97687 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo | Fivestar ratings | default | |
| 97688 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo | To rate this content, enable Fivestar rating below. These settings will be used for both comments (if available) and direct rating. | default | |
| 97689 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo | Enable Fivestar rating | default | |
| 97690 | /admin/content/taxonomy/23 | Nodoen arteko lotura motak saileko gakoak | default | |
| 97691 | /taxonomy/term/527 | Osoa | default | |
| 97692 | /photo/do/200755/add | Zabaleta orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97693 | /photo/do/200731/add | Larrañagaundi orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97694 | /photo/do/200717/add | Etxealai orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97695 | /photo/do/201618/add | Iriburuberri orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97696 | /node/227709 | Olentzero bertso antzerkia | default | |
| 97697 | /cron.php | There was a problem determining the status of available updates for your version of Drupal. | default | |
| 97698 | /photo/do/200497/add | Idarragagañekoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97699 | /photo/do/200514/add | Idarragazpikoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97700 | /cron.php | The installed version of at least one of your modules or themes is no longer supported. Upgrading or disabling is strongly recommended! Please see the project homepage for more details. | default | |
| 97701 | /cron.php | Unsupported release | default | |
| 97702 | /node/227711 | Berrabe | default | |
| 97703 | /node/227712 | Atsedentxaboleta | default | |
| 97704 | /node/227712 | Aitantxaboleta | default | |
| 97705 | /node/200812 | Lutxurdiogañekoa | default | |
| 97706 | /node/227713 | Lutxurdioazpikoa | default | |
| 97707 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/6 | Sublevel !depth | default | |
| 97708 | /admin/content/taxonomy/6/add/term | Add term to Elementu geografikoa | default | |
| 97709 | /admin/content/taxonomy/6 | Elementu geografikoa saileko gakoak | default | |
| 97710 | /admin/content/taxonomy/6/add/term | HIRIBIDEA | default | |
| 97711 | /node/200565 | Narbaizaundi | default | |
| 97712 | /toponimia/sail/705 | Sailkapena: HIRIBIDEA | default | |
| 97713 | /photo/do/227713/add | Lutxurdioazpikoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97714 | /photo/do/200706/add | Munabe orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97715 | /photo/do/200698/add | Elortza orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97716 | /photo/do/201985/add | Askasibarberria orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97717 | /photo/do/200509/add | Goikoetxea orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97718 | /photo/do/227264/add | Lauhaizeta orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97719 | /photo/do/200832/add | Loiti orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97720 | /photo/do/201820/add | Lopeberri orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97721 | /photo/do/200919/add | San Bizenti orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97722 | /photo/do/201435/add | Arribakar orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97723 | /admin/reports/updates | Not supported! | default | |
| 97724 | /admin/build/translate | This page provides an overview of available translatable strings. Drupal displays translatable strings in text groups; modules may define additional text groups containing other translatable strings. Because text groups provide a method of grouping related strings, they are often used to focus translation efforts on specific areas of the Drupal interface. | default | |
| 97725 | /admin/messaging/settings/method | None (Insecure) | default | |
| 97726 | /admin/messaging/settings/method | Name for display | default | |
| 97727 | /admin/messaging/settings/method | Message body filter | default | |
| 97728 | /admin/messaging/settings/method | Depending on your content format and the tokens you are using for messages it is important that you use the right filtering for the message body. Set up the filters you need using the Input formats page | default | |
| 97729 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications event | default | |
| 97730 | /admin/messaging/template | Common parts for all Notifications messages for a single event. This is useful for defining a common header and/or footer for all these messages. | default | |
| 97731 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications digest | default | |
| 97732 | /admin/messaging/template | Depending on your settings for each Send interval, Notifications may be digested, this is grouped and summarized in a single message. These are the common parts for Notifications digests. | default | |
| 97733 | /admin/messaging/template | The Header and Footer will be taken from Notification events. | default | |
| 97734 | /admin/messaging/template | The Digest line will be used when composing Short digests on which each event will be just a line. | default | |
| 97735 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications for node events | default | |
| 97736 | /admin/messaging/template | Defaults for all notifications related to node events. | default | |
| 97737 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications for node creation | default | |
| 97738 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications produced when a new node is created. | default | |
| 97739 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications for node updates | default | |
| 97740 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications produced when a node is updated. | default | |
| 97741 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications for node comments | default | |
| 97742 | /admin/messaging/template | Notifications produced when a comment is posted to a node. | default | |
| 97743 | /admin/messaging/template | Groups digests per node | default | |
| 97744 | /admin/messaging/template | Group of events digested for each node. | default | |
| 97745 | /admin/messaging/template | Groups digests per node type | default | |
| 97746 | /admin/messaging/template | Group of events digested for each node type. | default | |
| 97747 | /admin/messaging/template | Digest line | default | |
| 97748 | /admin/messaging/template | Line for digested events | default | |
| 97749 | /admin/messaging/template | Group closing | default | |
| 97750 | /admin/messaging/template | Group title | default | |
| 97751 | /admin/messaging/template | Group footer | default | |
| 97752 | /admin/messaging/template | Message groups | default | |
| 97753 | /admin/messaging/template | Parts | default | |
| 97754 | /admin/messaging/template | Sending methods | default | |
| 97755 | /admin/messaging/template | Configure the templates for different types of messages. Each message group is defined by other modules using the Messaging Framework. A typical message consists on the following parts: | default | |
| 97756 | /admin/messaging/template | Single line with a short description | default | |
| 97757 | /admin/messaging/template | Greetings line | default | |
| 97758 | /admin/messaging/template | Message main content, usually longer with the full description | default | |
| 97759 | /admin/messaging/template | Closing part with site information, unsubscribe links, etc... | default | |
| 97760 | /admin/messaging/template | Here you'll be able to configure each of these parts for each sending method. When one of these parts is left blank, there is a fallback system which goes as follows: | default | |
| 97761 | /admin/messaging/template | If a message part is left blank for a sending method, the text part from Default sending method will be used. | default | |
| 97762 | /admin/messaging/template | If the Default part is blank too, the fallback template (the parent in this tree) will be used. | default | |
| 97763 | /admin/messaging/template/edit/notifications-event | Message template for %name | default | |
| 97764 | /admin/messaging/template/edit/notifications-event | Available tokens | default | |
| 97765 | /admin/messaging/template/edit/notifications-event | These special strings will be replaced by their real value at run time. | default | |
| 97766 | /admin/messaging/template/edit/notifications-event | These are the message parts for %group. | default | |
| 97767 | /admin/messaging/template/edit/notifications-event | Leave blank to use the default texts or use '%empty' for an empty message part, preventing fallback to default message texts. | default | |
| 97768 | /admin/messaging/template/edit/notifications-event | Message template for Notifications event | default | |
| 97769 | /koldo-eleizalde-lehiaketan-parte-hartzeko-orria?destination=koldo-eleizalde-lehiaketan-parte-hartzeko-orria | Grabazioa CD edo DVDan entregatu baduzu, adierazi hemen. Baita beste edozein azalpen ere. | default | |
| 97770 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/restore | Upload a Backup File | default | |
| 97771 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/restore | Upload a backup file created by this version of this module. For other database backups please use another tool for import. Max file size: %size | default | |
| 97772 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/restore | Restoring will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. Always test your backups on a non-production server! | default | |
| 97773 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/restore | Take the site offline during restore and show a maintenance message. Site will be taken back online once the restore is complete. | default | |