| 2302 | /i/bergara/toponimia | Bergarako toponimia | default | |
| 2350 | /i/bergara/modules/pme/wz_tooltip.js | %page not found. | default | |
| 2354 | /i/bergara/node/201804 | outline | default | |
| 2378 | /i/bergara/admin | Welcome to the administration section. Below are the most recent system events. | default | |
| 2397 | modules/comment.module:122 | moderation thresholds | default | |
| 2398 | modules/comment.module:124 | moderation roles | default | |
| 2399 | modules/comment.module:126 | moderation votes | default | |
| 2402 | modules/filter.module:116 | delete input format | default | |
| 2403 | modules/filter.module:150 | compose tips | default | |
| 2404 | modules/forum.module:37 ;192 | forum topic | default | |
| 2406 | /i/bergara/toponimia/mapa?nid=201143&x=548030&y=4774312 | add container | default | |
| 5168 | /bergara/ | Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML tags, PHP code tags. Also allows enabling of module-provided filters. | default | |
| 5193 | /bergara/ | rebuild permissions | default | |
| 5200 | /bergara/ | A book is a collaborative writing effort: users can collaborate writing the pages of the book, positioning the pages in the right order, and reviewing or modifying pages previously written. So when you have some information to share or when you read a page of the book and you didn't like it, or if you think a certain page could have been written better, you can do something about it. | default | |
| 5201 | /bergara/ | Create a new topic for discussion in the forums. | default | |
| 5223 | | Details | default | |
| 5224 | /bergara/ | View access log. | default | |
| 5250 | /bergara/ | Enable or disable page caching for anonymous users, and enable or disable CSS preprocessor. | default | |
| 5262 | /bergara/ | Logs | default | |
| 5263 | /bergara/ | View system logs and other status information. | default | |
| 59378 | /node/159323 | Allows you to easily upload and display a Flash file. You can choose whether the movie appears in the teaser, the body, or both. | default | |
| 59379 | /node/159323 | ázak jo | default | |
| 59380 | /node/172088/related | Your rating | default | |
| 59381 | /node/172088/related | Average | default | |
| 59382 | /node/172088/related | Saving your vote... | default | |
| 59383 | /node/172088/related | Your vote has been saved. | default | |
| 59384 | /node/172088/related | Deleting your vote... | default | |
| 59385 | /node/172088/related | Your vote has been deleted. | default | |
| 59386 | /node/172088/related | Flash | default | |
| 59387 | /node/172088/related | Akatsa | default | |
| 59388 | /node/172088/related | Ohiko hizkuntza akatsa | default | |
| 59389 | /node/172088/related | Ariketa | default | |
| 59390 | /node/172088/related | Hizkuntza lantzeko ariketa | default | |
| 59391 | /node/172088/related | Berba | default | |
| 59392 | /node/172088/related | Esanahia | default | |
| 59393 | /node/172088/related | Titulua | default | |
| 59394 | /node/172088/related | Mamia | default | |
| 59395 | /node/172088/related | Jokoa | default | |
| 59396 | /node/172088/related | Hizkuntza jokoa | default | |
| 59397 | /node/172088/related | DB table manager | default | |
| 59398 | /node/172088/related | Ezarpenak | default | |
| 59399 | /node/172088/related | Unitate didaktikoa | default | |
| 59400 | /node/172088/related | Unitate didaktikoa zer den | default | |
| 59401 | /node/172088/related | Ezabatu egin nahi al duzu lotura hau? | default | |
| 59402 | /node/172088/related | Idatzi berba edo bere zki.a | default | |
| 59403 | /node/172088/related | Bilatu eta gorde | default | |
| 59404 | /node/172088/related | sidebar first | default | |
| 59405 | /node/172088/related | sidebar last | default | |
| 59406 | /node/172088/related | header middle | default | |
| 59407 | /node/172088/related | header last | default | |
| 59408 | /node/172088/related | preface first | default | |
| 59409 | /node/172088/related | preface middle | default | |
| 59410 | /node/172088/related | preface last | default | |
| 59411 | /node/172088/related | content top | default | |
| 59412 | /node/172088/related | content bottom | default | |
| 59413 | /node/172088/related | postscript first | default | |
| 59414 | /node/172088/related | postscript middle | default | |
| 59415 | /node/172088/related | postscript last | default | |
| 59416 | /node/172088/related | footer top | default | |
| 59417 | /node/172088/related | footer | default | |
| 59418 | /node/172088/related | node bottom | default | |
| 59419 | /node/172088/related | Toponimia | default | |
| 59420 | /node/172088/related | Toponimoen zerrenda | default | |
| 59421 | /node/172088/related | Toponimo iturri | default | |
| 59422 | /node/172088/related | Toponimoa bilatzeko orria | default | |
| 59423 | /node/172088/related | Toponimia databasea arakatzeko orria | default | |
| 59424 | /node/172088/related | Toponimia lekukotasunak | default | |
| 59425 | /node/172088/related | Hizkuntza jokoak | default | |
| 59426 | /node/172088/related | Unitate didaktikoak | default | |
| 59427 | /node/172088/related | Hiztegia | default | |
| 59428 | /node/172088/related | Bilaketa aurreratua | default | |
| 59429 | /node/172088/related | Hiztegian bilatu | default | |
| 59430 | /node/172088/related | Grabaketak | default | |
| 59431 | /node/172088/related | Edit this link | default | |
| 59432 | /node/172088/related | Argazki galeria | default | |
| 59433 | /node/172088/related | Hizkuntza ariketak | default | |
| 59434 | /node/172088/related | Ariketa bilatu | default | |
| 59435 | /node/172088/related | grabaketa bilatu | default | |
| 59436 | /node/172088/related | jokoa bilatu | default | |
| 59437 | /node/172088/related | Ajax callback for view loading. | default | |
| 59438 | /node/172088/related | Glossary | default | |
| 59439 | /node/172088/related | Koldo Eleizalde lehiaketa | default | |
| 59440 | /node/172088/related | All selections | default | |
| 59441 | /node/172088/related | Bergarako euskara | default | |
| 59442 | /node/172088/related | sárjento | default | |
| 59443 | /photo/1195?destination=photo%2Fuser%2F1%3Fpage%3D10%3Fpage%3D26%3Fpage%3D6%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D6 | berba | default | |
| 59444 | /photo/1195?destination=photo%2Fuser%2F1%3Fpage%3D10%3Fpage%3D26%3Fpage%3D6%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D6 | Noiz aterea | default | |
| 59445 | /photo/1195?destination=photo%2Fuser%2F1%3Fpage%3D10%3Fpage%3D26%3Fpage%3D6%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D6 | License | default | |
| 59446 | /node/171338 | - | default | |
| 59447 | /node/171338 | Oso ezaguna | default | |
| 59448 | /node/171338 | Nahiko ezaguna | default | |
| 59449 | /node/171338 | Adineko hiztun onentzat ezaguna | default | |
| 59450 | /node/171338 | Ia galdua | default | |
| 59451 | /node/171338 | komentario | default | |
| 59452 | /node/171338 | Sinonimoak | default | |
| 59453 | /node/171338 | Antonimoak | default | |
| 59454 | /node/171338 | Ikus | default | |
| 59455 | /node/171338 | Esapideak | default | |
| 59456 | /node/171338 | Photo filter | default | |
| 59457 | /node/171338 | by | default | |