Locale translation
Lotutako hitzak berbaren dagokion sarreran erantsita azalduko dira.
uid == 1){
if(isset($_POST['lid']) && isset($_POST['ezabatu'])){
foreach($_POST['lid'] as $lid){
db_query('DELETE from locales_source WHERE lid = %d', $lid);
db_query('DELETE from locales_target WHERE lid = %d', $lid);
if(isset($_POST['translation']) && isset($_POST['eguneratu'])){
foreach($_POST['translation'] as $lid => $translation){
db_query('REPLACE INTO locales_target(lid, translation, plid, plural, language) VALUES (%d, "%s", 0, 0, "eu")', $lid, $translation);
// print sprintf('REPLACE INTO locales_target SET translation = "%s" WHERE lid = %d AND language = "eu"', $translation, $lid) .';
'; } } } $result = pager_query('SELECT s.`lid`, s.`location`, s.`source`, s.`textgroup`, t.translation FROM `locales_source` s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid WHERE t.language = "eu" AND t.translation = "" OR ISNULL(t.translation) ORDER BY s.lid ASC', 100); $rows = array(); while($row = db_fetch_object($result)){ $checkbox = ''; $lid = l($row->lid, 'admin/build/translate/edit/'.$row->lid); $textfield = ''; $rows[] = array($checkbox, $lid, $row->location, $row->source, $row->textgroup, $textfield); } $headers = array('', 'lid', 'location', 'source', 'textgroup', 'version', 'translation'); $output .= ''; $output .= theme('pager'); print $output; ?>
'; } } } $result = pager_query('SELECT s.`lid`, s.`location`, s.`source`, s.`textgroup`, t.translation FROM `locales_source` s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid WHERE t.language = "eu" AND t.translation = "" OR ISNULL(t.translation) ORDER BY s.lid ASC', 100); $rows = array(); while($row = db_fetch_object($result)){ $checkbox = ''; $lid = l($row->lid, 'admin/build/translate/edit/'.$row->lid); $textfield = ''; $rows[] = array($checkbox, $lid, $row->location, $row->source, $row->textgroup, $textfield); } $headers = array('', 'lid', 'location', 'source', 'textgroup', 'version', 'translation'); $output .= ''; $output .= theme('pager'); print $output; ?>
Batere ez.