Locale translation

97774/admin/content/backup_migrate/restoreRestore nowdefault

Or you can restore one of the files in your saved backup destinations.

97776/user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izenaComment follow-up notification settingsdefault
97777/user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izenaReceive content follow-up notification e-mailsdefault
97778/user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izenaCheck this box to receive an e-mail notification for follow-ups on your content. You can not disable notifications for individual threads.default
97779/user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izenaNo notificationsdefault
97780/user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izenaReceive comment follow-up notification e-mailsdefault
97781/user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izenaCheck this box to receive e-mail notification for follow-up comments to comments you posted. You can later disable this on a post-by-post basis... so if you leave this to YES, you can still disable follow-up notifications for comments you don't want follow-up mails anymore - i.e. for very popular posts.default
97782/user/1/messagesadmin-entzako mezuakdefault
97783/admin/reports/page-not-foundAzken 'orria ez da aurkitu' erroreakdefault
97784/node/208583/relatedFitxategien izenak normalizatudefault
97785/user/1/notificationsEnable all your subscriptionsdefault
97786/user/1/notifications/update/enableUpdate subscriptionsdefault
97787/user/1/notifications/update/enableAre you sure you want to enable all your subscriptions?default
97788/user/1/notifications/update/enableYou will get notifications again for all of them.default
97789/user/1/notifications/update/enableAll your subscriptions have been enabled.default
97791/node/227715Animali taldeadefault
97792/node/227716Erroketxo eta amadefault
97794/node/227718Animaliak eta bertsolariakdefault
97795/node/227719Oporrak Euskal Herriandefault
97796/node/227720Euskal herriadefault
97797/node/227721Zartada ederradefault
97799/node/227727Erramu Zapatua eta oporrakdefault
97800/node/227728Bergarako txorimaluakdefault
97801/node/227729Aharixa, zaldixa eta untxi grisa (Anne-Marie Dalmais)default
97802/node/227730Behin batian Bergarandefault
97807/node/227737Garraio publikoadefault
97809/node/227739Gure proiektuadefault
97810/node/227740Euskal Herriko kirolakdefault
97812/node/227742Zaborra murrizteadefault
97813/node/227743Euskal Herriko mendiakdefault
97815/node/227745Eskola eta nidefault
97816/node/227747Euskal Herriko giroadefault
97817/node/227748San Martinetik Ipintzaradefault
97819/node/227750Ikasketak eta jaiakdefault
97820/node/227751Lau ekipoak beldurrezko olinpiadetandefault
97821/node/227753Koldo Eleizalde lehiaketa eta Aste Santuadefault
97822/node/227724Kaxeruen beste kale batdefault
97823/node/227723Bahiketa zoroetxeandefault
97825/node/227725Laukitxoaren antzerkiadefault
97826/node/227754Beltzuntzeko Oihanadefault
97828/node/227756/editIpuin ipuinkadefault
97829/filefield/ahah/grabaketa/field_bideo/0The file in the @field field was unable to be uploaded.default
97830/node/227757/deleteIpuin ipuinka ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude?default
97831/node/227758Familixia haunditzen doia!default
97832/node/227785Ez da faltako!default
97833/node/227759Geuria, zahar etxia!default
97834/node/227760/editArantzazuko gaztak, onenakdefault
97835/node/227761/editTangala, Danba!default
97836/node/227762/editLanpara magikoadefault
97837/node/227763Lan baten bila 6bdefault
97839/node/227768/editHau hankasartzea!default
97840/node/227769Lehoia eta txirtxiladefault
97842/node/227771/editAsmakizuna 1default
97843/node/227772/editAsmakizuna 2default
97844/node/227773Asmakizuna 3default
97845/node/227774/editAsmakizuna 4default
97846/node/227775Perez sagutxoa default
97847/node/227776/editAsmakizuna 5default
97848/node/227778/editLarunbata arratsaldeandefault
97849/node/227779/editTxoria zezenaren adar gaineandefault
97850/node/227783/editLehoia eta kilkerradefault
97852/node/227786Ayer gaueandefault
97853/filefield/ahah/grabaketa/field_bideo/0An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (@size) that this server supports.default
97854/node/227765Lan baten bila 6adefault
97855/node/227766Ikasle berriadefault
97856/node/227764Irakasle gaiztoakdefault
97857/node/227789Elefantia eta xaguadefault
97858/node/227791/deletePuzkerra ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude?default
97860/node/221807/photoImages for "DBH inkesta"default
97861/node/227792Koldo Eleizalde lehiaketen balorazioadefault
97862/filter/tipsUsing custom PHP codedefault
97863/filter/tipsCustom PHP code may be embedded in some types of site content, including posts and blocks. While embedding PHP code inside a post or block is a powerful and flexible feature when used by a trusted user with PHP experience, it is a significant and dangerous security risk when used improperly. Even a small mistake when posting PHP code may accidentally compromise your site.default
97864/filter/tipsIf you are unfamiliar with PHP, SQL, or Drupal, avoid using custom PHP code within posts. Experimenting with PHP may corrupt your database, render your site inoperable, or significantly compromise security.default
97865/filter/tipsRemember to double-check each line for syntax and logic errors before saving.default
97866/filter/tipsStatements must be correctly terminated with semicolons.default
97867/filter/tipsGlobal variables used within your PHP code retain their values after your script executes.default
97868/filter/tipsUse a print or return statement in your code to output content.default
97869/filter/tipsDevelop and test your PHP code using a separate test script and sample database before deploying on a production site.default
97870/filter/tipsConsider including your custom PHP code within a site-specific module or template.php file rather than embedding it directly into a post or block.default
97871/filter/tipsBe aware that the ability to embed PHP code within content is provided by the PHP Filter module. If this module is disabled or deleted, then blocks and posts with embedded PHP may display, rather than execute, the PHP code.default
97872/filter/tipsA basic example: Creating a "Welcome" block that greets visitors with a simple message.default

Add a custom block to your site, named "Welcome". With its input format set to "PHP code" (or another format supporting PHP input), add the following in the Block body:

print t('Welcome visitor! Thank you for visiting.');