| 97774 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/restore | Restore now | default | |
| 97775 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/restore | Or you can restore one of the files in your saved backup destinations. | default | |
| 97776 | /user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izena | Comment follow-up notification settings | default | |
| 97777 | /user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izena | Receive content follow-up notification e-mails | default | |
| 97778 | /user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izena | Check this box to receive an e-mail notification for follow-ups on your content. You can not disable notifications for individual threads. | default | |
| 97779 | /user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izena | No notifications | default | |
| 97780 | /user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izena | Receive comment follow-up notification e-mails | default | |
| 97781 | /user/1/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3DErabiltzaile%2520izena | Check this box to receive e-mail notification for follow-up comments to comments you posted. You can later disable this on a post-by-post basis... so if you leave this to YES, you can still disable follow-up notifications for comments you don't want follow-up mails anymore - i.e. for very popular posts. | default | |
| 97782 | /user/1/messages | admin-entzako mezuak | default | |
| 97783 | /admin/reports/page-not-found | Azken 'orria ez da aurkitu' erroreak | default | |
| 97784 | /node/208583/related | Fitxategien izenak normalizatu | default | |
| 97785 | /user/1/notifications | Enable all your subscriptions | default | |
| 97786 | /user/1/notifications/update/enable | Update subscriptions | default | |
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| 97788 | /user/1/notifications/update/enable | You will get notifications again for all of them. | default | |
| 97789 | /user/1/notifications/update/enable | All your subscriptions have been enabled. | default | |
| 97790 | /user/26 | inazio | default | |
| 97791 | /node/227715 | Animali taldea | default | |
| 97792 | /node/227716 | Erroketxo eta ama | default | |
| 97793 | /node/227717 | Azterketak | default | |
| 97794 | /node/227718 | Animaliak eta bertsolariak | default | |
| 97795 | /node/227719 | Oporrak Euskal Herrian | default | |
| 97796 | /node/227720 | Euskal herria | default | |
| 97797 | /node/227721 | Zartada ederra | default | |
| 97798 | /node/227726 | Bizkor | default | |
| 97799 | /node/227727 | Erramu Zapatua eta oporrak | default | |
| 97800 | /node/227728 | Bergarako txorimaluak | default | |
| 97801 | /node/227729 | Aharixa, zaldixa eta untxi grisa (Anne-Marie Dalmais) | default | |
| 97802 | /node/227730 | Behin batian Bergaran | default | |
| 97803 | /node/227732 | Kostaldea | default | |
| 97804 | /node/227733 | Elurpean | default | |
| 97805 | /node/227734 | Mokoloak | default | |
| 97806 | /node/227736 | Autokudeaketa | default | |
| 97807 | /node/227737 | Garraio publikoa | default | |
| 97808 | /node/227738 | Udaberria | default | |
| 97809 | /node/227739 | Gure proiektua | default | |
| 97810 | /node/227740 | Euskal Herriko kirolak | default | |
| 97811 | /node/227741 | Igeriketa | default | |
| 97812 | /node/227742 | Zaborra murriztea | default | |
| 97813 | /node/227743 | Euskal Herriko mendiak | default | |
| 97814 | /node/227744 | Instagram | default | |
| 97815 | /node/227745 | Eskola eta ni | default | |
| 97816 | /node/227747 | Euskal Herriko giroa | default | |
| 97817 | /node/227748 | San Martinetik Ipintzara | default | |
| 97818 | /node/227749 | Janaria | default | |
| 97819 | /node/227750 | Ikasketak eta jaiak | default | |
| 97820 | /node/227751 | Lau ekipoak beldurrezko olinpiadetan | default | |
| 97821 | /node/227753 | Koldo Eleizalde lehiaketa eta Aste Santua | default | |
| 97822 | /node/227724 | Kaxeruen beste kale bat | default | |
| 97823 | /node/227723 | Bahiketa zoroetxean | default | |
| 97824 | /node/227722 | Zigorra | default | |
| 97825 | /node/227725 | Laukitxoaren antzerkia | default | |
| 97826 | /node/227754 | Beltzuntzeko Oihana | default | |
| 97827 | /node/227755 | Koloreak | default | |
| 97828 | /node/227756/edit | Ipuin ipuinka | default | |
| 97829 | /filefield/ahah/grabaketa/field_bideo/0 | The file in the @field field was unable to be uploaded. | default | |
| 97830 | /node/227757/delete | Ipuin ipuinka ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97831 | /node/227758 | Familixia haunditzen doia! | default | |
| 97832 | /node/227785 | Ez da faltako! | default | |
| 97833 | /node/227759 | Geuria, zahar etxia! | default | |
| 97834 | /node/227760/edit | Arantzazuko gaztak, onenak | default | |
| 97835 | /node/227761/edit | Tangala, Danba! | default | |
| 97836 | /node/227762/edit | Lanpara magikoa | default | |
| 97837 | /node/227763 | Lan baten bila 6b | default | |
| 97838 | /node/227767 | Olerkiteka | default | |
| 97839 | /node/227768/edit | Hau hankasartzea! | default | |
| 97840 | /node/227769 | Lehoia eta txirtxila | default | |
| 97841 | /node/227770 | Olerkixa | default | |
| 97842 | /node/227771/edit | Asmakizuna 1 | default | |
| 97843 | /node/227772/edit | Asmakizuna 2 | default | |
| 97844 | /node/227773 | Asmakizuna 3 | default | |
| 97845 | /node/227774/edit | Asmakizuna 4 | default | |
| 97846 | /node/227775 | Perez sagutxoa | default | |
| 97847 | /node/227776/edit | Asmakizuna 5 | default | |
| 97848 | /node/227778/edit | Larunbata arratsaldean | default | |
| 97849 | /node/227779/edit | Txoria zezenaren adar gainean | default | |
| 97850 | /node/227783/edit | Lehoia eta kilkerra | default | |
| 97851 | /node/227784/edit | Txanomoretxu | default | |
| 97852 | /node/227786 | Ayer gauean | default | |
| 97853 | /filefield/ahah/grabaketa/field_bideo/0 | An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (@size) that this server supports. | default | |
| 97854 | /node/227765 | Lan baten bila 6a | default | |
| 97855 | /node/227766 | Ikasle berria | default | |
| 97856 | /node/227764 | Irakasle gaiztoak | default | |
| 97857 | /node/227789 | Elefantia eta xagua | default | |
| 97858 | /node/227791/delete | Puzkerra ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97859 | /node/227787 | Zoro-etxian | default | |
| 97860 | /node/221807/photo | Images for "DBH inkesta" | default | |
| 97861 | /node/227792 | Koldo Eleizalde lehiaketen balorazioa | default | |
| 97862 | /filter/tips | Using custom PHP code | default | |
| 97863 | /filter/tips | Custom PHP code may be embedded in some types of site content, including posts and blocks. While embedding PHP code inside a post or block is a powerful and flexible feature when used by a trusted user with PHP experience, it is a significant and dangerous security risk when used improperly. Even a small mistake when posting PHP code may accidentally compromise your site. | default | |
| 97864 | /filter/tips | If you are unfamiliar with PHP, SQL, or Drupal, avoid using custom PHP code within posts. Experimenting with PHP may corrupt your database, render your site inoperable, or significantly compromise security. | default | |
| 97865 | /filter/tips | Remember to double-check each line for syntax and logic errors before saving. | default | |
| 97866 | /filter/tips | Statements must be correctly terminated with semicolons. | default | |
| 97867 | /filter/tips | Global variables used within your PHP code retain their values after your script executes. | default | |
| 97868 | /filter/tips | Use a print or return statement in your code to output content. | default | |
| 97869 | /filter/tips | Develop and test your PHP code using a separate test script and sample database before deploying on a production site. | default | |
| 97870 | /filter/tips | Consider including your custom PHP code within a site-specific module or template.php file rather than embedding it directly into a post or block. | default | |
| 97871 | /filter/tips | Be aware that the ability to embed PHP code within content is provided by the PHP Filter module. If this module is disabled or deleted, then blocks and posts with embedded PHP may display, rather than execute, the PHP code. | default | |
| 97872 | /filter/tips | A basic example: Creating a "Welcome" block that greets visitors with a simple message. | default | |
| 97873 | /filter/tips | Add a custom block to your site, named "Welcome". With its input format set to "PHP code" (or another format supporting PHP input), add the following in the Block body:
print t('Welcome visitor! Thank you for visiting.');
| default | |