| 97974 | /node/201851/photo | Images for "Gaztartu" | default | |
| 97975 | /photo/do/201851/add | Gaztartu orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 97976 | /admin/build/vocabindex | There is no index page set for this vocabulary. | default | |
| 97977 | /admin/build/vocabindex | Node counts | default | |
| 97978 | /admin/build/vocabindex | Sailkapenen ikuspegiak | default | |
| 97979 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Adiera | default | |
| 97980 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Ereduak | default | |
| 97981 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Gurasoendako materiala | default | |
| 97982 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Orokorra | default | |
| 97983 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Osagarriak | default | |
| 97984 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Zalantza | default | |
| 97985 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Zeharka | default | |
| 97986 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Antonimo | default | |
| 97987 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Esaera | default | |
| 97988 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Esamolde | default | |
| 97989 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/23 | Ikusteko | default | |
| 97990 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_gfa_id | Size of textfield | default | |
| 97991 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Validate URL | default | |
| 97992 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | If checked, the URL field will be verified as a valid URL during validation. | default | |
| 97993 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Optional URL | default | |
| 97994 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | If checked, the URL field is optional and submitting a title alone will be acceptable. If the URL is omitted, the title will be displayed as plain text. | default | |
| 97995 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Optional Title | default | |
| 97996 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Required Title | default | |
| 97997 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Static Title: | default | |
| 97998 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | No Title | default | |
| 97999 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Link Title | default | |
| 98000 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | If the link title is optional or required, a field will be displayed to the end user. If the link title is static, the link will always use the same title. If token module is installed, the static title value may use any other node field as its value. Static and token-based titles may include most inline XHTML tags such as strong, em, img, span, etc. | default | |
| 98001 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Hide title if URL is empty | default | |
| 98002 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Checking will hide the title when a URL is empty, leave un-checked to always display the title. | default | |
| 98003 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Placeholder tokens | default | |
| 98004 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | The following placeholder tokens can be used in both paths and titles. When used in a path or title, they will be replaced with the appropriate values. | default | |
| 98005 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Allow user-entered tokens | default | |
| 98006 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Checking will allow users to enter tokens in URLs and Titles on the node edit form. This does not affect the field settings on this page. | default | |
| 98007 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | URL Display Cutoff | default | |
| 98008 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | If the user does not include a title for this link, the URL will be used as the title. When should the link title be trimmed and finished with an elipsis (…)? Leave blank for no limit. | default | |
| 98009 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Default (no target attribute) | default | |
| 98010 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Open link in window root | default | |
| 98011 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Open link in new window | default | |
| 98012 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Allow the user to choose | default | |
| 98013 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Link Target | default | |
| 98014 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Rel Attribute | default | |
| 98015 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | When output, this link will have this rel attribute. The most common usage is rel="nofollow" which prevents some search engines from spidering entered links. | default | |
| 98016 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Additional CSS Class | default | |
| 98017 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | When output, this link will have this class attribute. Multiple classes should be separated by spaces. | default | |
| 98018 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | Link 'title' Attribute | default | |
| 98019 | /admin/content/node-type/toponimo/fields/field_lotura | When output, links will use this "title" attribute (when different from the link text). Read WCAG 1.0 Guidelines for links comformances. Tokens values will be evaluated. | default | |
| 98020 | /admin/settings/berba | Zenbat berba erakutsi orriko | default | |
| 98021 | /admin/settings/berba | Berba berriaren abisua zein posta-e. helbidera bidali | default | |
| 98022 | /admin/settings/berba | Zein orritan jasotzen den hiztegiaren ataleko hasierako aurkezpena | default | |
| 98023 | /admin/content/node-type/lekukotasun/fields | Transkribapena | default | |
| 98024 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/659?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude jauregi terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98025 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/652?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude ondartza terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98026 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/658?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude organoa terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98027 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/657?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude san migel terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98028 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/655?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude santa marina terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98029 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/653?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude txara terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98030 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/654?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude ugalde terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98031 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/656?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F5 | Ziur al zaude untzeta terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 98032 | /node/222112 | Alexander Fleming | default | |
| 98033 | /node/227870 | abeslari burusoila | default | |
| 98034 | /node/227870 | Abeslari burusoila | default | |
| 98035 | /node/227871 | AINGERUZARREN BERTSOAK | default | |
| 98036 | /node/227871 | Aingeruzarren bertsoak | default | |
| 98037 | /node/227872 | Hartzek ez dakite irakurtzen | default | |
| 98038 | /node/227873 | gazteluko abentura izugarriak | default | |
| 98039 | /node/227873 | Gazteluko abentura izugarriak | default | |
| 98040 | /node/227893 | Pelikulen asmakizunak | default | |
| 98041 | /node/227894 | JAZZ MUSIKA | default | |
| 98042 | /node/227894 | Jazz musika | default | |
| 98043 | /node/227895 | ELEKTRONIKOA | default | |
| 98044 | /node/227895 | Musika elektronikoa | default | |
| 98045 | /node/227896 | POP MUSIKA | default | |
| 98046 | /node/227896 | Pop musika | default | |
| 98047 | /node/227891 | Pelukian komerixak | default | |
| 98048 | /node/227890 | Jolas etxean | default | |
| 98049 | /node/227889 | Eta zuk ze kolore duzu gustuko? | default | |
| 98050 | /node/227888 | Bi biziatuen arazoak | default | |
| 98051 | /node/227887 | Jaimito bizikletan | default | |
| 98052 | /node/227886 | Fruta barregarria | default | |
| 98053 | /node/227897 | Jimmy Potolo eta Zapatarixa | default | |
| 98054 | /node/227898 | SAGUTXO KASKARINA | default | |
| 98055 | /node/227885 | Jaimito eta letxugia | default | |
| 98056 | /node/227884 | Jaimito eta saltxitxak | default | |
| 98057 | /node/227883 | Jaimito eta txiklea | default | |
| 98058 | /node/227881 | Gooool | default | |
| 98059 | /node/227880 | Zoaz oilategira | default | |
| 98060 | /node/227879 | Kristiano dator | default | |
| 98061 | /node/227878 | Jaimito eta erosketak | default | |
| 98062 | /node/208491/photo | Images for "Maixuaren zigorra" | default | |
| 98063 | /node/227899 | Harremanetan ere kilometro zero | default | |
| 98064 | /node/227900 | Bergarako euskararen erabilerari jarriak | default | |
| 98065 | /admin/build/themes | CSS-based (tableless), flexible layout, 1, 2, or 3 column, 15 collapsible block regions, funny breadcrumb. | default | |
| 98066 | /admin/build/themes | Itxurak | default | |
| 98067 | /node/227877 | Ez da gerezia | default | |
| 98068 | /node/227876 | Ja, ja eta ja | default | |
| 98069 | /node/227875 | Asma ezazu egia | default | |
| 98070 | /node/200736 | Aingelburu | default | |
| 98071 | /node/201013 | Aldekoena | default | |
| 98072 | /node/201441 | Alkartasuna | default | |
| 98073 | /node/200845 | Altamiraetxebarri | default | |