| 97271 | /admin/content/taxonomy/26/add/term | Anizeta Agirre | default | |
| 97272 | /node/227536 | BILLOTEIBOLU | default | |
| 97273 | /node/227537 | BILLOTEIBOLUA | default | |
| 97274 | /node/227548 | OSINTXUBOLU | default | |
| 97275 | /node/227549 | GALATZABERRIXA | default | |
| 97276 | /node/227550 | GALARTZABERRI | default | |
| 97277 | /node/227553 | GALARTZABERRIXA | default | |
| 97278 | /admin/content/taxonomy/26/add/term | Luis Mari Agirre | default | |
| 97279 | /node/227554 | Narbaizabolu | default | |
| 97280 | /node/227554 | NARBAIZABOLU | default | |
| 97281 | /admin/content/taxonomy/26/add/term | Julian Beitia | default | |
| 97282 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/696?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F26 | Ziur al zaude Jabier Larrañaga terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 97283 | /node/227556 | NARBAIZABOLUA | default | |
| 97284 | /node/227555/delete?destination=node%2F200566 | NARBAIZABOLU ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97285 | /node/227558 | OLAIXAURREKUA | default | |
| 97286 | /node/227559 | IZALETXEBERRI | default | |
| 97287 | /node/227561 | IZALETXEBARRI | default | |
| 97288 | /admin/content/taxonomy/26/add/term | Juan Martin Elexpuru. | default | |
| 97289 | /node/227563 | NARBAIZBOLU | default | |
| 97290 | /node/227564 | NARBAIZBOLUA | default | |
| 97291 | /node/227565 | ELORTZABOLU | default | |
| 97292 | /node/227566 | ELORTZA-BOLUA | default | |
| 97293 | /node/227569 | GURE AMETSA | default | |
| 97294 | /node/227571 | URRUPAINGAÑEKUA | default | |
| 97295 | /node/227572 | URRUPAIN GAIÑEKUA | default | |
| 97296 | /node/227573 | URRUPAIN GAÑEKOA | default | |
| 97297 | /node/227579 | ERGUBIDE (EGURBIDE AUNDI) | default | |
| 97298 | /node/227581 | EGURBIDE AUNDI | default | |
| 97299 | /node/227582 | ANDUDI | default | |
| 97300 | /node/227598 | ERGUZAR | default | |
| 97301 | /node/227601 | IBARGIN | default | |
| 97302 | /node/227604 | MARKINAUSI | default | |
| 97303 | /node/227575/delete?destination=node%2F200569 | URRUPAIN ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97304 | /admin/content/taxonomy/edit/term/682?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Ftaxonomy%2F26 | Ziur al zaude Klementa Arregi terminoa ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 97305 | /node/227612 | IRARRAGA-NUEVA | default | |
| 97306 | /node/227613 | IRARRAGA-ARRIBA… | default | |
| 97307 | /node/227388 | AMUTXASTEIBERRIXA | default | |
| 97308 | /admin/content/taxonomy/26/add/term | Roman Zeziaga | default | |
| 97309 | /node/227614 | MARKINAUSIXA | default | |
| 97310 | /node/227616 | Txingorkua | default | |
| 97311 | /node/227619 | ETXEBERRI (ETXEBERRI TXIKI) | default | |
| 97312 | /node/227616/edit?destination=node%2F200571 | TXINGORKUA | default | |
| 97313 | /node/227620 | ECHEVARRI CHIQUI | default | |
| 97314 | /node/227621 | ECHEVERRI MENOR | default | |
| 97315 | /node/227595/delete?destination=node%2F200570 | BOLU ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97316 | /node/227623/delete?destination=node%2F200571 | ETXEBARRI ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97317 | /node/227624 | ECHEVARRIA DE YUSO | default | |
| 97318 | /node/227626 | ECHEBERRIA MENOR | default | |
| 97319 | /node/227625/delete?destination=node%2F200571 | ECHEVARRIA DE YUSO ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 97320 | /node/227628 | ECHEVARRI MENOR | default | |
| 97321 | /node/227629 | ECHAVARRIA JOANGO? | default | |
| 97322 | /node/227630 | Aztertzeko toponimoak sortu | default | |
| 97323 | /admin/content/types/add | To create a new content type, enter the human-readable name, the machine-readable name, and all other relevant fields that are on this page. Once created, users of your site will be able to create posts that are instances of this content type. | default | |
| 97324 | /admin/content/types | Aztertzeko toponimoa | default | |
| 97325 | /admin/content/types/fields | Used in | default | |
| 97326 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Egoera | default | |
| 97327 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Default value | default | |
| 97328 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | PHP code | default | |
| 97329 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | '@column' => value for @column | default | |
| 97330 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | return array(
0 => array(@columns),
// You'll usually want to stop here. Provide more values
// if you want your 'default value' to be multi-valued:
1 => array(@columns),
2 => ...
); | default | |
| 97331 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Advanced usage only: PHP code that returns a default value. Should not include <?php ?> delimiters. If this field is filled out, the value returned by this code will override any value specified above. Expected format: !sample To figure out the expected format, you can use the devel load tab provided by devel module on a %type content page. | default | |
| 97332 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Filtered text (user selects input format) | default | |
| 97333 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Text processing | default | |
| 97334 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | The maximum length of the field in characters. Leave blank for an unlimited size. | default | |
| 97335 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Allowed values | default | |
| 97336 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Allowed values list | default | |
| 97337 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | The possible values this field can contain. Enter one value per line, in the format key|label. The key is the value that will be stored in the database, and it must match the field storage type (%type). The label is optional, and the key will be used as the label if no label is specified. Allowed HTML tags: @tags | default | |
| 97338 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Advanced usage only: PHP code that returns a keyed array of allowed values. Should not include <?php ?> delimiters. If this field is filled out, the array returned by this code will override the allowed values list above. | default | |
| 97339 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_egoera?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | You need to specify the 'allowed values' for this field. | default | |
| 97340 | /node/add/aztertzeko-toponimo | Sortu Aztertzeko toponimoa | default | |
| 97341 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_node_nid?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Toponimo nodoa | default | |
| 97342 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_node_nid?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Minimum | default | |
| 97343 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_node_nid?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Maximum | default | |
| 97344 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_node_nid?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Define a string that should be prefixed to the value, like $ or €. Leave blank for none. Separate singular and plural values with a pipe (pound|pounds). | default | |
| 97345 | /admin/content/node-type/aztertzeko-toponimo/fields/field_node_nid?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Faztertzeko-toponimo%2Ffields | Define a string that should suffixed to the value, like m², m/s², kb/s. Leave blank for none. Separate singular and plural values with a pipe (pound|pounds). | default | |
| 97346 | /toponimia/begiratzeko | Begiratu beharrekoak | default | |
| 97350 | /admin/user/user | create aztertzeko_toponimo content | default | |
| 97351 | /admin/user/user | delete any aztertzeko_toponimo content | default | |
| 97352 | /admin/user/user | delete own aztertzeko_toponimo content | default | |
| 97353 | /admin/user/user | edit any aztertzeko_toponimo content | default | |
| 97354 | /admin/user/user | edit own aztertzeko_toponimo content | default | |
| 97355 | /user/56/edit?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser | Mikel | default | |
| 97356 | /comment/delete/537 | Ziur al zaude proba iruzkina ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 97357 | /user/129/delete?destination=admin%2Fuser%2Fuser | Ziur al zaude proba kontua ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 97358 | /admin/build/views/add | This is the unique name of the view. It must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores; it is used to identify the view internally and to generate unique theming template names for this view. If overriding a module provided view, the name must not be changed or instead a new view will be created. | default | |
| 97359 | /admin/build/views/add | This description will appear on the Views administrative UI to tell you what the view is about. | default | |
| 97360 | /admin/build/views/add | Enter an optional tag for this view; it is used only to help sort views on the administrative page. | default | |
| 97361 | /admin/build/views/add | The view type is the primary table for which information is being retrieved. The view type controls what arguments, fields, sort criteria and filters are available, so once this is set it cannot be changed. | default | |
| 97362 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimo_komentario | Change the row plugin. | default | |
| 97363 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimo_komentario | Items to display | default | |
| 97364 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimo_komentario | toponimo_komentario bista editatu | default | |
| 97365 | /admin/build/views/ajax/add-item/toponimo_komentario/default/filter | Update default display | default | |
| 97366 | /admin/build/views/ajax/add-item/toponimo_komentario/default/filter | Expose | default | |
| 97367 | /admin/build/views/ajax/add-item/toponimo_komentario/default/filter | This item is currently not exposed. If you expose it, users will be able to change the filter as they view it. | default | |
| 97368 | /admin/build/views/ajax/add-item/toponimo_komentario/default/filter | Operator | default | |
| 97369 | /admin/build/views/ajax/add-item/toponimo_komentario/default/filter | Case sensitive | default | |
| 97370 | /admin/build/views/ajax/add-item/toponimo_komentario/default/filter | Case sensitive filters may be faster. MySQL might ignore case sensitivity. | default | |
| 97371 | /admin/build/views/ajax/preview/toponimo_komentario | Display "@display" uses fields but there are none defined for it or all are excluded. | default | |
| 97372 | /admin/build/views/ajax/preview/toponimo_komentario | Unable to preview due to validation errors. | default | |
| 97373 | /admin/build/views/ajax/display/toponimo_komentario/default/display_title | The name of this display | default | |