| 60260 | /admin/build/views | Monthly archive | default | |
| 60261 | /admin/build/views | Archive list | default | |
| 60262 | /admin/build/views | Popular content | default | |
| 60263 | /admin/build/views | Today's popular content | default | |
| 60264 | /admin/build/views | Top rated content | default | |
| 60265 | /admin/build/views | This page is a demonstration of VotingAPI's integration with the Views module. It's set up to display nodes sorted by percentage ratings, the style used by Fivestar module. | default | |
| 60266 | /admin/build/views | This page is a demonstration of VotingAPI's integration with the Views module. It's set up to display nodes sorted by point ratings, the style used by the Plus1 and VoteUpDown modules. | default | |
| 60267 | /admin/build/views | Your votes | default | |
| 60268 | /admin/build/views | Install the advanced help module for the getting started | default | |
| 60269 | /admin/build/views | Not sure what to do? Try the "!getting-started" page. | default | |
| 60270 | /admin/build/views | @type @base view: @view | default | |
| 60271 | /admin/build/views | Path: !path | default | |
| 60272 | /admin/build/views | If you install the advanced help module from !href, Views will provide more and better help. Hide this message. | default | |
| 60273 | /admin/build/views | Bistak | default | |
| 60274 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Izena | default | |
| 60275 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Is equal to | default | |
| 60276 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Is not equal to | default | |
| 60277 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | contains | default | |
| 60278 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Contains any word | default | |
| 60279 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Contains all words | default | |
| 60280 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | has all | default | |
| 60281 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Does not start with | default | |
| 60282 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | not_begins | default | |
| 60283 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Ends with | default | |
| 60284 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | ends | default | |
| 60285 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Does not end with | default | |
| 60286 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | not_ends | default | |
| 60287 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Does not contain | default | |
| 60288 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | !has | default | |
| 60289 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Is one of | default | |
| 60290 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | in | default | |
| 60291 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Is not one of | default | |
| 60292 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | not in | default | |
| 60293 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Is all of | default | |
| 60294 | /toponimia/katastroko-partzelak | Is none of | default | |
| 60295 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Eguneratze data | default | |
| 60296 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Guztiak | default | |
| 60297 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Hide view / Page not found (404) | default | |
| 60298 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Display empty text | default | |
| 60299 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Summary, sorted ascending | default | |
| 60300 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Summary, sorted descending | default | |
| 60301 | /glossary/d?page=12&order=name&sort=asc | Provide default argument | default | |
| 60302 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Click on an item to edit that item's details. | default | |
| 60303 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change the name of this display. | default | |
| 60304 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change the title that this display will use. | default | |
| 60305 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change the style plugin. | default | |
| 60306 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change settings for this style | default | |
| 60307 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change whether or not this display will use AJAX. | default | |
| 60308 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Use pager | default | |
| 60309 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change this display's pager setting. | default | |
| 60310 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change how many items to display. | default | |
| 60311 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Specify whether this display will provide a "more" link. | default | |
| 60312 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Distinct | default | |
| 60313 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Display only distinct items, without duplicates. | default | |
| 60314 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Unrestricted | default | |
| 60315 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Specify access control type for this display. | default | |
| 60316 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Caching | default | |
| 60317 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Specify caching type for this display. | default | |
| 60318 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Exposed form in block | default | |
| 60319 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Allow the exposed form to appear in a block instead of the view. | default | |
| 60320 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Change the CSS class name(s) that will be added to this display. | default | |
| 60321 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Get information on how to theme this display | default | |
| 60322 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Lehenetsia | default | |
| 60323 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | None defined | default | |
| 60324 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Taxonomia: Term | default | |
| 60325 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Remove display | default | |
| 60326 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Clone display | default | |
| 60327 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Add display | default | |
| 60328 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Analyze | default | |
| 60329 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Separate arguments with a / as though they were a URL path. | default | |
| 60330 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Automatic live preview | default | |
| 60331 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | View "@display" | default | |
| 60332 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Go to the real page for this display | default | |
| 60333 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | View %name, displaying items of type @base. | default | |
| 60334 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | Live preview | default | |
| 60335 | /toponimia/sail/112 | Sailkapena: AURKINTZA (paraje, termino...) | default | |
| 60336 | sites/all/modules/views/js/tabs.js | jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier. | default | |
| 60337 | sites/all/modules/views/js/tabs.js | jQuery UI Tabs: Not enough arguments to add tab. | default | |
| 60338 | sites/all/modules/views/js/ajax.js | Internal server error. Please see server or PHP logs for error information. | default | |
| 60339 | sites/all/modules/views/js/ajax.js | An error occurred at @path.\n\nError Description: @error | default | |
| 60340 | /admin/build/views/edit/toponimia_katastroko_partzelak | toponimia_katastroko_partzelak bista editatu | default | |
| 60341 | /node/213496 | KEREJATZU | default | |
| 60342 | /node/208335 | Jokoak | default | |
| 60343 | /node/208335 | Jolas-mota | default | |
| 60344 | /node/208335 | Martin Bonbin | default | |
| 60345 | /taxonomy/term/133?page=6 | TXABOLA, BORDA | default | |
| 60346 | /node/168341 | 2. lórito | default | |
| 60347 | /toponimia/sail/115 | Sailkapena: TOKIA (punto, lugar) | default | |
| 60348 | /node/168339 | lórito | default | |
| 60349 | /node/202353 | Bizitza-mapia | default | |
| 60350 | /node/158554/related | arráutzetako | default | |
| 60351 | /toponimia/sail/143 | Sailkapena: KALEKO ETXEA | default | |
| 60352 | /node/174935 | 3. zeru | default | |
| 60353 | /toponimia/sail/133 | Sailkapena: TXABOLA, BORDA | default | |
| 60354 | /node/168954 | mélendres | default | |
| 60355 | /node/201215 | Etxetxorena | default | |
| 60356 | /node/159075 | átze | default | |
| 60357 | /node/164637 | goittei | default | |
| 60358 | /toponimia/sail/101 | Sailkapena: BASOA (bosque) | default | |
| 60359 | /node/211485 | BURINONDO ARRIBA | default | |