| 60660 | /node/220430 | YTURRIETA | default | |
| 60661 | /toponimia/sail/122?hurrenkera=n.title | Sailkapena: AUZOA | default | |
| 60662 | /node/162238 | epetan | default | |
| 60663 | /node/159480 | 3. ba | default | |
| 60664 | /node/210619/related | AZCARGORTA GAÑECOA | default | |
| 60665 | /node/173193 | trézeño | default | |
| 60666 | /node/226783/related | KEREISETA ZELAI | default | |
| 60667 | /node/221274 | POLPOL ERREKIA | default | |
| 60668 | /node/215793/related | UGUESARRI | default | |
| 60669 | /toponimia/sail/161?view=zerrenda | Sailkapena: LUR LANDU GABEA (erial) | default | |
| 60670 | /node/225988/related | GAZTELU | default | |
| 60671 | /node/215732 | UABIDE | default | |
| 60672 | /toponimia/sail/199%3Fpage%3D3%2526view%3Dxehe?page=1&view=zerrenda | Sailkapena: Aurkintzak eta tokiak | default | |
| 60673 | /node/215992 | VELAZTEGUI | default | |
| 60674 | /node/159492 | baba-kóko | default | |
| 60675 | /node/165743 | ixurrian | default | |
| 60676 | /node/160105 | belárriaundi | default | |
| 60677 | /toponimia/sail/200%3Fpage%3D3%2526view%3Dxehe?view=zerrenda | Sailkapena: Lur barrutiak | default | |
| 60678 | /node/164989 | ies | default | |
| 60679 | /node/169502 | 2. nagi | default | |
| 60680 | /node/169470 | mutúrtu | default | |
| 60681 | /node/200793 | Bentaoste | default | |
| 60682 | /node/165366 | iódo bédar | default | |
| 60683 | /node/162851 | ésatekon bat izan | default | |
| 60684 | /node/214664 | OLAVARRIAGA | default | |
| 60685 | /node/158864 | áspa | default | |
| 60686 | /node/157724 | andadóre | default | |
| 60687 | /node/174199 | uréta | default | |
| 60688 | /node/166334 | kakánarro | default | |
| 60689 | /toponimia/eragiketak | Toponimia eragiketak | default | |
| 60690 | /node/222231 | Argazkiak egiaztatu | default | |
| 60691 | /node/226924/outline | The outline feature allows you to include posts in the book hierarchy, as well as move them within the hierarchy or to reorder an entire book. | default | |
| 60692 | /book/js/form | The parent page in the book. The maximum depth for a book and all child pages is !maxdepth. Some pages in the selected book may not be available as parents if selecting them would exceed this limit. | default | |
| 60693 | /node/226924/outline | The book outline has been updated. | default | |
| 60694 | /node/201972 | Okerreko etiketak dituzten sarrerak | default | |
| 60695 | /node/164041/related | gálbae, -i | default | |
| 60696 | /node/207686 | 11-17 ZEIÑEK, NIK.DOC | default | |
| 60697 | /node/158958 | astozara | default | |
| 60698 | /node/157118/related | áinbesteko | default | |
| 60699 | /node/175285 | zuma gorri | default | |
| 60700 | /node/157455 | aldiko bat | default | |
| 60701 | /admin/build/modules | Enables support for the 1 Pixel Out MP3 player. | default | |
| 60702 | /admin/build/modules | Aditzaren jokoa (toka eta noka ere bai) jasotzeko modulua | default | |
| 60703 | /admin/build/modules | Provides a dropdown menu to most administrative tasks and other common destinations (to users with the proper permissions). | default | |
| 60704 | /admin/build/modules | Ohiko akatsak | default | |
| 60705 | /admin/build/modules | Hizkuntza ariketak jasotzeko modulua. | default | |
| 60706 | /admin/build/modules | Bergarako euskararen hiztegia jasotzeko sortutako modulua. | default | |
| 60707 | /admin/build/modules | Enables CKEditor (WYSIWYG HTML editor) for use instead of plain text fields. | default | |
| 60708 | /admin/build/modules | Comment follow-up e-mail notification for anonymous as well as registered users. | default | |
| 60709 | /admin/build/modules | Allows administrators to define new content types. | default | |
| 60710 | /admin/build/modules | Enables ability to import/export field definitions. | default | |
| 60711 | /admin/build/modules | Combine multiple CCK fields into repeating field collections that work in unison. | default | |
| 60712 | /admin/build/modules | Allows users to subscribe to content related events. | default | |
| 60713 | /admin/build/modules | Set field-level permissions for CCK fields. | default | |
| 60714 | /admin/build/modules | Defines a field type for taxonomy terms | default | |
| 60715 | /admin/build/modules | Defines a autocomplete widget type for content_taxonomy | default | |
| 60716 | /admin/build/modules | Defines a option widget type for content_taxonomy for selects, radios/checkboxes | default | |
| 60717 | /admin/build/modules | Defines a dynamic tree widget for Content Taxonomy | default | |
| 60718 | /admin/build/modules | @module (missing) | default | |
| 60719 | /admin/build/modules | Gainontzekoak egiteko modulua | default | |
| 60720 | /admin/build/modules | Create display groups for CCK fields. | default | |
| 60721 | /admin/build/modules | Defines a file field type. | default | |
| 60722 | /admin/build/modules | Add metadata gathering and storage to FileField. | default | |
| 60723 | /admin/build/modules | Handles the filtering of content in preparation for display. | default | |
| 60724 | /admin/build/modules | A simple five-star voting widget for nodes. | default | |
| 60725 | /admin/build/modules | Rate nodes by leaving comments. | default | |
| 60726 | /admin/build/modules | Allows easy uploading and display of Flash content. | default | |
| 60727 | /admin/build/modules | Provides integration with the Flowplayer video player. | default | |
| 60728 | /admin/build/modules | Grabaketak proposatzeko eta jasotzeko modulua | default | |
| 60729 | /admin/build/modules | Simplifies the selection of one or multiple items in a hierarchical tree. | default | |
| 60730 | /admin/build/modules | Use Hierarchical Select as the widget for Content Taxonomy CCK fields. | default | |
| 60731 | /admin/build/modules | Allows Hierarchical Select's dropbox to be used for selecting multiple items in a flat list of options. | default | |
| 60732 | /admin/build/modules | Use Hierarchical Select for menu parent selection. | default | |
| 60733 | /admin/build/modules | Allows Hierarchical Select to be used for a hardcoded hierarchy. When it becomes to slow, you should move the hierarchy into the database and write a proper implementation. | default | |
| 60734 | /admin/build/modules | Use Hierarchical Select for Taxonomy. | default | |
| 60735 | /admin/build/modules | Use Hierarchical Select for Taxonomy exposed filters in Views. | default | |
| 60736 | /admin/build/modules | Jokoak biltzeko atala | default | |
| 60737 | /admin/build/modules | Enables support for the jQuery Flash plugin embedding method. | default | |
| 60738 | /admin/build/modules | Enables expandable jquery menus. | default | |
| 60739 | /admin/build/modules | Provides the jQuery UI plug-in to other Drupal modules. | default | |
| 60740 | /admin/build/modules | Updates Drupal to use the latest version of jQuery. | default | |
| 60741 | /admin/build/modules | Enables support for JW Image Rotator 3. | default | |
| 60742 | /admin/build/modules | Enables support for JW Media Player 3. | default | |
| 60743 | /admin/build/modules | Enables support for JW Media Player 4. | default | |
| 60744 | /admin/build/modules | Kolod Eleizalde lehiaketako atala | default | |
| 60745 | /admin/build/modules | Defines simple link field types. | default | |
| 60746 | /admin/build/modules | Messaging system. This is the base module for the Messaging Framework | default | |
| 60747 | /admin/build/modules | Debugging and development utilities for messaging package. | default | |
| 60748 | /admin/build/modules | Mail Sending Method: Integration with Mime Mail module (Beta) | default | |
| 60749 | /admin/build/modules | Mail Sending Method: Integration with PHPMailer for HTML Mail | default | |
| 60750 | /admin/build/modules | Sending Method: Integration with Privatemsg (Beta) | default | |
| 60751 | /admin/build/modules | XMPP Sending Method: Integration with XMPP Framework | default | |
| 60752 | /admin/build/modules | Defines a field type for referencing one node from another. | default | |
| 60753 | /admin/build/modules | The basic notifications framework | default | |
| 60754 | /admin/build/modules | Provides automatic notifications. | default | |
| 60755 | /admin/build/modules | Extra Simple Notifications API. Enable only when required by other modules. | default | |
| 60756 | /admin/build/modules | Provides an UI to notifications | default | |
| 60757 | /admin/build/modules | Views integration for Notifications. | default | |
| 60758 | /admin/build/modules | Defines numeric field types. | default | |
| 60759 | /admin/build/modules | Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields. | default | |