| 96271 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Restore Tab | default | |
| 96272 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Upload a backup and migrate backup file. The restore function will not work with database dumps from other sources such as phpMyAdmin. | default | |
| 96273 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Destinations are the places you can save your backup files to or them load from. | default | |
| 96274 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Files can be saved to a directory on your web server, downloaded to your desktop or emailed to a specified email account. From the Destinations tab you can create, delete and edit destinations or list the files which have already been backed up to the available destinations. | default | |
| 96275 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | manual backups | default | |
| 96276 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Profiles are saved backup settings. Profiles store your table exclusion settings as well as your backup file name, compression and timestamp settings. You can use profiles in !schedulelink and for !manuallink. | default | |
| 96277 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | You can create new profiles using the add profiles tab or by checking the "Save these settings" button on the advanced backup page. | default | |
| 96278 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Scheduling | default | |
| 96279 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Automatically backup up your database on a regular schedule using cron. | default | |
| 96280 | /photo/1213?destination=photo%2Ffunction.array-map%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D3%3Fpage%3D1%3Fpage%3D8%3Fpage%3D1 | Each schedule will run a maximum of once per cron run, so they will not run more frequently than your cron is configured to run. If you specify a number of backups to keep for a schedule, old backups will be deleted as new ones created. If specifiy a number of files to keep other backup files in that schedule's destination will get deleted. | default | |
| 96281 | /node/227063?page=14 | schedules | default | |
| 96282 | /admin/build/modules | Backup and Migrate | default | |
| 96283 | /admin/build/modules | Backup/restore your database or migrate data to or from another Drupal site. | default | |
| 96284 | /admin/build/modules | Backup | default | |
| 96285 | /admin/build/modules | Backup the database. | default | |
| 96286 | /admin/build/modules | Advanced Backup | default | |
| 96287 | /admin/build/modules | Quick Backup | default | |
| 96288 | /admin/build/modules | List !type | default | |
| 96289 | /admin/build/modules | Create !type | default | |
| 96290 | /admin/build/modules | Delete !type | default | |
| 96291 | /admin/build/modules | Delete File | default | |
| 96292 | /admin/build/modules | Delete a backup file | default | |
| 96293 | /admin/build/modules | Destination Files | default | |
| 96294 | /admin/build/modules | Edit !type | default | |
| 96295 | /admin/build/modules | Export !type | default | |
| 96296 | /admin/build/modules | Restore from backup | default | |
| 96297 | /admin/build/modules | Restore database from a backup file on the server | default | |
| 96298 | /admin/build/modules | Restore | default | |
| 96299 | /admin/build/modules | Restore the database from a previous backup | default | |
| 96300 | /admin/settings/akats | Zenbat sarrera erakutsi orriko | default | |
| 96301 | /admin/settings/akats | Zein orritan jasotzen den akatsen ataleko hasierako aurkezpena | default | |
| 96302 | /admin/build | Webgunearen antolaketa | default | |
| 96303 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Backup Source | default | |
| 96304 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Default Settings | default | |
| 96305 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Settings Profile | default | |
| 96306 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Backup now | default | |
| 96307 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | For more backup options, try the advanced backup page. | default | |
| 96308 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Backup from !from to !to using !profile !submit | default | |
| 96309 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Download File | default | |
| 96310 | /admin/content/backup_migrate | Download a backup file | default | |
| 96311 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule | There are no !items to display. | default | |
| 96312 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule | Create a new !item | default | |
| 96313 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination | override | default | |
| 96314 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination | list files | default | |
| 96315 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | destination | default | |
| 96316 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Save !type | default | |
| 96317 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Destination name | default | |
| 96318 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Directory path | default | |
| 96319 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Enter the path to the directory to save the backups to. Use a relative path to pick a path relative to your Drupal root directory. The web server must be able to write to this path. | default | |
| 96320 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Advanced Settings | default | |
| 96321 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Change file mode (chmod) | default | |
| 96322 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | If you enter a value here, backup files will be chmoded with the mode you specify. Specify the mode in octal form (e.g. 644 or 0644) or leave blank to disable this feature. | default | |
| 96323 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | Change file group (chgrp) | default | |
| 96324 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | If you enter a value here, backup files will be chgrped to the group you specify. Leave blank to disable this feature. | default | |
| 96325 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/files/scheduled | %title Files | default | |
| 96326 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/files/scheduled | There are no backup files to display. | default | |
| 96327 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/files/scheduled | Scheduled Backups Directory Files | default | |
| 96328 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/list/edit/scheduled | !type saved | default | |
| 96329 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile | Filename | default | |
| 96330 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Profile Name | default | |
| 96331 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | View as checkboxes | default | |
| 96332 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Backup File | default | |
| 96333 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Backup file name | default | |
| 96334 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | You can use tokens in the file name. | default | |
| 96335 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Append a timestamp. | default | |
| 96336 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Timestamp format | default | |
| 96337 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Should be a PHP date() format string. | default | |
| 96338 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Send an email if backup succeeds | default | |
| 96339 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Email Address for Success Notices | default | |
| 96340 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Send an email if backup fails | default | |
| 96341 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Email Address for Failure Notices | default | |
| 96342 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Compression | default | |
| 96343 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | You may omit specific tables, or specific table data from the backup file. Only omit data that you know you will not need such as cache data, or tables from other applications. Excluding tables can break your Drupal install, so do not change these settings unless you know what you're doing. | default | |
| 96344 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Exclude the following tables altogether | default | |
| 96345 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | The selected tables will not be added to the backup file. | default | |
| 96346 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Exclude the data from the following tables | default | |
| 96347 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | The selected tables will have their structure backed up but not their contents. This is useful for excluding cache data to reduce file size. | default | |
| 96348 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Lock tables during backup | default | |
| 96349 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | This can help reduce data corruption, but will make your site unresponsive. | default | |
| 96350 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | !name Backup Options | default | |
| 96351 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | No Encryption | default | |
| 96352 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | File Encryption | default | |
| 96353 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | AES Encryption Module | default | |
| 96354 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Install the !link to enable backup file encryption. | default | |
| 96355 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Take site offline | default | |
| 96356 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Take the site offline during backup and show a maintenance message. Site will be taken back online once the backup is complete. | default | |
| 96357 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/profile/list/add | Advanced Options | default | |
| 96358 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | schedule | default | |
| 96359 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Schedule Name | default | |
| 96360 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Create new profile | default | |
| 96361 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Seconds | default | |
| 96362 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Once a second | default | |
| 96363 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Every @count seconds | default | |
| 96364 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Minutes | default | |
| 96365 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Once a minute | default | |
| 96366 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Every @count minutes | default | |
| 96367 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Hours | default | |
| 96368 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Once an hour | default | |
| 96369 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Every @count hours | default | |
| 96370 | /admin/content/backup_migrate/schedule/list/add | Days | default | |