| 95470 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | The unique ID of the action to be executed. | default | |
| 95471 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | The configuration data for the action. | default | |
| 95472 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | Image | default | |
| 95473 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | An edit widget for image files, including a preview of the image. | default | |
| 95474 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | Displays image files in their original size. | default | |
| 95475 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | Image linked to node | default | |
| 95476 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | Image linked to file | default | |
| 95477 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | ImageCache: Flush ALL presets for this node's filefield images | default | |
| 95478 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | ImageCache: Generate ALL presets for this node's filefield images | default | |
| 95479 | /admin/build/modules/list/confirm | ImageCache: Generate configured preset(s) for this node's filefield images | default | |
| 95480 | /admin/build/modules | Administer imagecache presets and actions. | default | |
| 95481 | /admin/build/modules | Add new preset | default | |
| 95482 | /admin/build/modules | ImageAPI | default | |
| 95483 | /admin/build/modules | Configure ImageAPI. | default | |
| 95484 | /admin/build/modules | @name | default | |
| 95485 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Argazkia | default | |
| 95486 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Maximum resolution for Images | default | |
| 95487 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | The maximum allowed image size expressed as WIDTHxHEIGHT (e.g. 640x480). Set to 0 for no restriction. If a larger image is uploaded, it will be resized to reflect the given width and height. | default | |
| 95488 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Minimum resolution for Images | default | |
| 95489 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | The minimum allowed image size expressed as WIDTHxHEIGHT (e.g. 640x480). Set to 0 for no restriction. If an image that is smaller than these dimensions is uploaded it will be rejected. | default | |
| 95490 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Resizing images on upload will cause the loss of EXIF data in the image. | default | |
| 95491 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | ALT text settings | default | |
| 95492 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Enable custom alternate text | default | |
| 95493 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Enable user input alternate text for images. | default | |
| 95494 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Default ALT text | default | |
| 95495 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | This value will be used for alternate text by default. | default | |
| 95496 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Title text settings | default | |
| 95497 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Enable custom title text | default | |
| 95498 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Enable user input title text for images. | default | |
| 95499 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Input type | default | |
| 95500 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Choose type of field to be displayed to the user. | default | |
| 95501 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Default Title text | default | |
| 95502 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | This value will be used as the image title by default. | default | |
| 95503 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Default image | default | |
| 95504 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Use default image | default | |
| 95505 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | When an image is not uploaded, show a default image on display. | default | |
| 95506 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Upload image | default | |
| 95507 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa/fields/field_argazki?destinations[0]=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode-type%2Fgrabaketa%2Ffields | Choose a image that will be used as default. | default | |
| 95508 | /node/208491/edit | imagecache_ui | default | |
| 95509 | /node/208491/edit | Select | default | |
| 95510 | /node/208491/edit | Alternate Text | default | |
| 95511 | /node/208491/edit | This text will be used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded. | default | |
| 95512 | /node/208491/edit | The title is used as a tool tip when the user hovers the mouse over the image. | default | |
| 95513 | /admin/content/node-type/grabaketa | The machine-readable name of this content type. This field cannot be modified for system-defined content types. | default | |
| 95514 | /node/add/grabaketa | bideoaz... | default | |
| 95515 | /admin/build/translate/search | Interfazea itzuli | default | |
| 95516 | /admin/build/translate/edit/5342 | Editatu katea | default | |
| 95517 | /admin/build/translate/delete/5342 | Ziur al zaude "" katea ezabatu nahi duzula? | default | |
| 95519 | /node/223526 | ELUTZE-NAHASIKUA | default | |
| 95520 | /node/170815/related | partidu | default | |
| 95521 | /node/169335 | 3. motxarda | default | |
| 95522 | /node/157174/related | aittiaren | default | |
| 95523 | /photo/1560?destination=photo%2Fuser%2F1%3Fpage%3D29%3Fpage%3D4%3Fpage%3D7%3Fpage%3D5 | Orria ez da antzeman | | default | |
| 95524 | /node/202041 | Atzipena ukatua | | default | |
| 95525 | /node/223696 | ETXEAZPIA-JUAN ZURIENA ALDEA | default | |
| 95526 | /admin/user/user | administer imageapi | default | |
| 95527 | /admin/user/user | administer imagecache | default | |
| 95528 | /admin/user/user | flush imagecache | default | |
| 95529 | /user/78 | zuburruti | default | |
| 95530 | /jokoak | Hizkuntza jokoak: bilaketaren emaitza | default | |
| 95531 | /toponimia/arakatu | Bilaketa modua | default | |
| 95532 | /toponimia/arakatu | Zehazki | default | |
| 95533 | /toponimia/arakatu | Hizkia (esaterako "*aran*") | default | |
| 95534 | /toponimia/arakatu | adibideak | default | |
| 95535 | /toponimia/arakatu | Espresio erregularra (ikus !link) | default | |
| 95536 | /toponimia/arakatu | Gutxienez | default | |
| 95537 | /toponimia/arakatu | Gehienez | default | |
| 95538 | /toponimia/arakatu | Aztertu beharrik gabekoa | default | |
| 95539 | /toponimia/arakatu | Bai | default | |
| 95540 | /toponimia/arakatu | Zalantzan | default | |
| 95541 | /toponimia/arakatu | Kokatuta daudenak | default | |
| 95542 | /toponimia/arakatu | Kokapenik ez dutenak | default | |
| 95543 | /node/222498 | BEATXURTU (GOIKO MADURIA) | default | |
| 95544 | /node/226929 | Erantsitako argazkia ikusi | default | |
| 95545 | /node/226929 | No player is configured to play a series of images. Check the SWF Tools file handling settings on the configuration page. | default | |
| 95546 | /node/167870/related | larga | default | |
| 95547 | /photo/do/200617/add | Please, fill this fields if this image is not yours. | default | |
| 95548 | /photo/do/200617/add | You can offer your images under a Creative Commons license. If not, leave this field empty. | default | |
| 95549 | /photo/do/200617/add | Web source | default | |
| 95550 | /photo/do/200617/add | Irudiaren jatorrizko bertsioarekiko lotura | default | |
| 95551 | /photo/do/200617/add | Lesarriaurtengoa orrirako argazki berria | default | |
| 95552 | /photo/do/200617/add | Original photo as been saved. | default | |
| 95553 | /photo/do/200617/add | Image resized to %widthx%height | default | |
| 95554 | /photo/do/200617/add | Image saved on server. | default | |
| 95555 | /photo/do/200617/add?sent=1968 | Last sent image | default | |
| 95556 | /node/226930/edit | Euskara gure hizkuntza aberatsa. | default | |
| 95557 | /filefield/ahah/grabaketa/field_bideo/0 | The selected file %name could not be saved. | default | |
| 95558 | /koldo-eleizalde-lehiaketa-ekarpenak/view/26 | Nodo bihurtu | default | |
| 95559 | /koldo-eleizalde-lehiaketa-ekarpenak/view/26 | Dagokion nodoa ikusi | default | |
| 95560 | /koldo-eleizalde-lehiaketa-ekarpenak/view/26 | dagokion nodoa ikusi | default | |
| 95561 | /koldo-eleizalde-lehiaketa-ekarpenak/view/89903 | nodo bihurtu | default | |
| 95562 | /node/226930/delete | Euskara gure hizkuntza aberatsa. ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 95563 | /node/226932 | Gabonak | default | |
| 95564 | /node/226933 | Aratz | default | |
| 95565 | /node/226934/edit | Ura | default | |
| 95566 | /node/226935/delete | Ura ezabatzera zoaz. Ziur al zaude? | default | |
| 95567 | /node/226936/edit | Goazen hondartzara | default | |
| 95568 | /node/226937/edit | Bertsoa berregiten | default | |
| 95569 | /node/226938/edit | Bergarako jaiak | default | |
| 95570 | /node/226939/edit | Nere bizitza Euskal Herrian | default | |