Locale translation

88970/user/93/editTheme configurationdefault
88971/user/93/editDefault send methoddefault
88972/user/93/editDefault sending method for getting messages from this system.default
88973/user/93/editMessaging and Notifications settingsdefault
88974/user/93/editDefault send intervaldefault
88975/user/93/editDefault send interval for subscriptions.default
88977/user/93/editChecking this box allows you to automatically subscribe to any thread you create or post a comment to.default
88979/admin/settings/logging/dblogDiscard log entries above the following row limitdefault
88980/admin/settings/logging/dblogThe maximum number of rows to keep in the database log. Older entries will be automatically discarded. (Requires a correctly configured cron maintenance task.)default
88981/admin/settings/logging/dblogDatu-basearen log-akdefault
88982/admin/settings/actions/manageActions are individual tasks that the system can do, such as unpublishing a piece of content or banning a user. Modules, such as the trigger module, can fire these actions when certain system events happen; for example, when a new post is added or when a user logs in. Modules may also provide additional actions.default
88983/admin/settings/actions/manageThere are two types of actions: simple and advanced. Simple actions do not require any additional configuration, and are listed here automatically. Advanced actions can do more than simple actions; for example, send an e-mail to a specified address, or check for certain words within a piece of content. These actions need to be created and configured first before they may be used. To create an advanced action, select the action from the drop-down below and click the Create button.default
88984/admin/settings/actions/manageYou may proceed to the Triggers page to assign these actions to system events.default
88986/admin/content/node-settingsBidalketa ezarpenakdefault
88987/node/1596162. balíentiadefault
88988/node/201177Lamariñoko etxeazpiadefault
88990/admin/messagingMessaging & Notificationsdefault
88991/admin/messaging/notificationsNotify poster of own postsdefault
88992/admin/messaging/notificationsNotifies a node poster about their own posts. Useful principally during testing. Default is OFF.default
88993/admin/messaging/notificationsImmediate sendingdefault
88994/admin/messaging/notificationsNotifications are usually queued to be sent on cron process later. Checking this option will cause immediate notifications to be sent right away, instead of being queued. This will produce more timely notifications for sites with a small number of users. Not recommended for sites with a large number of users. This may not work for AJAX forms and notifications will be queued anyway.default
88995/admin/messaging/notificationsNotifications Senderdefault
88996/admin/messaging/notificationsNo one (All notifications will appear as coming from the web site)default
88997/admin/messaging/notificationsUser name, site data (Only the user name will be used)default
88998/admin/messaging/notificationsFull user data (User name and available user information)default
88999/admin/messaging/notificationsUse the site information as the sender for notification messages or use account data from the user causing the event. WARNING: Selecting the last option (Full user data) may disclose private information to subscribers like the user e-mail address.default
89001/admin/messaging/notificationsIf enabled all notifications will be logged and kept for the specified time after they're processed.default
89002/admin/messaging/notificationsDefault settingsdefault
89003/admin/messaging/notificationsLimits for queue processingdefault
89004/admin/messaging/notificationsThese are the limits for each run on queue processing. The process will stop when it first meets any of them. Set to 0 for no limit.default
89005/admin/messaging/notificationsProcess on crondefault
89006/admin/messaging/notificationsIf disabled you must use code elsewhere to actually send your e-mails such as a drush script.default
89007/admin/messaging/notificationsNumber of rowsdefault
89008/admin/messaging/notificationsNumber of messages sentdefault
89009/admin/messaging/notificationsTime (seconds)default
89010/admin/messaging/notificationsTime (% of cron time)default
89011/admin/messaging/notificationsMaximum percentage of cron time the process may use.default
89012/admin/messaging/notifications/contentEnabled subscription typesdefault
89013/admin/messaging/notifications/contentCheck the subscription types that will be enabled. You can use the global settings here or set different options for each content type. On this second case these will be the defaults for new content types.default
89014/admin/messaging/notifications/contentUse global settings on this page for all content typesdefault
89015/admin/messaging/notifications/contentSet up for each content type on Administer Content Types.default
89016/admin/messaging/notifications/contentGlobal optionsdefault
89017/admin/messaging/notifications/contentDefine the available subscription types that will be enabled globallydefault
89018/admin/messaging/notifications/contentSet all users to "autosubscribe" by defaultdefault
89019/admin/messaging/notifications/contentIf checked the option will be 'enabled' by default for user account settings. This won't change existing settings for users who have already defined it.default
89020/admin/messaging/notifications/contentContent subscriptions are subscriptions to nodes that will produce notifications when a node is posted or updated or when a comment is posted for that nodes. Notifications will be sent only for published content so if you need to be notified of unpublished content waiting for approval you better use Triggers and Actions or some other module for that.default
89021/admin/messaging/notifications/contentOn this page you can set which of the available subscription types are allowed. Alternatively you can select the Set up for each content type option and use the Administer Content types page. These settings will be combined with permissions and other options (See user interface options if enabled) to determine which subscriptions will be finally available for users.default
89025/node/217512ELORRIETA MENDIAdefault
89026/node/217567EPELE ERREKAdefault
89027/node/217675ERRI SAILLAdefault
89028/node/217761/relatedETXAUEKO ITTURRIXAdefault
89029/node/217952GOIKO LUARRIXAdefault
89030/node/218389/relatedIXKUETAKO ERREKIAdefault
89034/node/1622691. erakutsidefault
89035/node/224844GOROSABEL ERREKAdefault
89036/node/1713272. plátanodefault
89038/admin/by-moduleThe administration menu module provides a dropdown menu arranged for one- or two-click access to most administrative tasks and other common destinations (to users with the proper permissions). Administration menu also displays the number of anonymous and authenticated users, and allows modules to add their own custom menu items. Integration with the menu varies from module to module; the contributed module Devel, for instance, makes strong use of the administration menu module to provide quick access to development tools.default
89039/admin/by-moduleThe administration menu settings page allows you to modify some elements of the menu's behavior and appearance. Since the appearance of the menu is dependent on your site theme, substantial customizations require modifications to your site's theme and CSS files. See the advanced module README.txt file for more information on theme and CSS customizations.default
89040/admin/by-moduleThe menu items displayed in the administration menu depend upon the actual permissions of the viewer. First, the administration menu is only displayed to users in roles with the Access administration menu (admin_menu module) permission. Second, a user must be a member of a role with the Access administration pages (system module) permission to view administrative links. And, third, only currently permitted links are displayed; for example, if a user is not a member of a role with the permissions Administer permissions (user module) and Administer users (user module), the User management menu item is not displayed.default
89041/admin/by-moduleThe contact module facilitates communication via e-mail, by allowing your site's visitors to contact one another (personal contact forms), and by providing a simple way to direct messages to a set of administrator-defined recipients (the contact page). With either form, users specify a subject, write their message, and (optionally) have a copy of their message sent to their own e-mail address.default
89042/admin/by-modulePersonal contact forms allow users to be contacted via e-mail, while keeping recipient e-mail addresses private. Users may enable or disable their personal contact forms by editing their My account page. If enabled, a Contact tab leading to their personal contact form is available on their user profile. Site administrators have access to all personal contact forms (even if they have been disabled). The Contact tab is only visible when viewing another user's profile (users do not see their own Contact tab).default
89043/admin/by-moduleThe contact page provides a simple form for visitors to leave comments, feedback, or other requests. Messages are routed by selecting a category from a list of administrator-defined options; each category has its own set of e-mail recipients. Common categories for a business site include, for example, "Website feedback" (messages are forwarded to web site administrators) and "Product information" (messages are forwarded to members of the sales department). The actual e-mail addresses defined within a category are not displayed. Only users in roles with the access site-wide contact form permission may access the contact page.default
89044/admin/by-moduleThe content module, a required component of the Content Construction Kit (CCK), allows administrators to associate custom fields with content types. In Drupal, content types are used to define the characteristics of a post, including the title and description of the fields displayed on its add and edit pages. Using the content module (and the other helper modules included in CCK), custom fields beyond the default "Title" and "Body" may be added. CCK features are accessible through tabs on the content types administration page. (See the node module help page for more information about content types.)default
89045/admin/by-moduleWhen adding a custom field to a content type, you determine its type (whether it will contain text, numbers, or references to other objects) and how it will be displayed (either as a text field or area, a select box, checkbox, radio button, or autocompleting field). A field may have multiple values (i.e., a "person" may have multiple e-mail addresses) or a single value (i.e., an "employee" has a single employee identification number). As you add and edit fields, CCK automatically adjusts the structure of the database as necessary. CCK also provides a number of other features, including intelligent caching for your custom data, an import and export facility for content type definitions, and integration with other contributed modules.default
89046/admin/by-moduleCustom field types are provided by a set of optional modules included with CCK (each module provides a different type). The modules page allows you to enable or disable CCK components. A default installation of CCK includes:default
89047/admin/by-modulenumber, which adds numeric field types, in integer, decimal or floating point form. You may define a set of allowed inputs, or specify an allowable range of values. A variety of common formats for displaying numeric data are available.default
89048/admin/by-moduletext, which adds text field types. A text field may contain plain text only, or optionally, may use Drupal's input format filters to securely manage rich text input. Text input fields may be either a single line (text field), multiple lines (text area), or for greater input control, a select box, checkbox, or radio buttons. If desired, CCK can validate the input to a set of allowed values.default
89049/admin/by-modulenodereference, which creates custom references between Drupal nodes. By adding a nodereference field and two different content types, for instance, you can easily create complex parent/child relationships between data (multiple "employee" nodes may contain a nodereference field linking to an "employer" node).default
89050/admin/by-moduleuserreference, which creates custom references to your sites' user accounts. By adding a userreference field, you can create complex relationships between your site's users and posts. To track user involvement in a post beyond Drupal's standard Authored by field, for instance, add a userreference field named "Edited by" to a content type to store a link to an editor's user account page.default
89051/admin/by-modulefieldgroup, which creates collapsible fieldsets to hold a group of related fields. A fieldset may either be open or closed by default. The order of your fieldsets, and the order of fields within a fieldset, is managed via a drag-and-drop interface provided by content module.default
89052/admin/by-moduleFor more information, see the online handbook entry for CCK or the CCK project page.default
89053/admin/by-moduleThe dblog module monitors your system, capturing system events in a log to be reviewed by an authorized individual at a later time. This is useful for site administrators who want a quick overview of activities on their site. The logs also record the sequence of events, so it can be useful for debugging site errors.default
89054/admin/by-moduleThe dblog log is simply a list of recorded events containing usage data, performance data, errors, warnings and operational information. Administrators should check the dblog report on a regular basis to ensure their site is working properly.default
89055/admin/by-moduleThe filter module allows administrators to configure text input formats for use on your site. An input format defines the HTML tags, codes, and other input allowed in both content and comments, and is a key feature in guarding against potentially damaging input from malicious users. Two input formats included by default are Filtered HTML (which allows only an administrator-approved subset of HTML tags) and Full HTML (which allows the full set of HTML tags). Additional input formats may be created by an administrator.default
89056/admin/by-moduleEach input format uses filters to manipulate text, and most input formats apply several different filters to text in a specific order. Each filter is designed for a specific purpose, and generally either adds, removes or transforms elements within user-entered text before it is displayed. A filter does not change the actual content of a post, but instead, modifies it temporarily before it is displayed. A filter may remove unapproved HTML tags, for instance, while another automatically adds HTML to make links referenced in text clickable.default
89057/admin/by-moduleUsers can choose between the available input formats when creating or editing content. Administrators can configure which input formats are available to which user roles, as well as choose a default input format.default
89058/admin/by-moduleIf you can see this text instead of an animation then JavaScript insertion failed. Check that your browser has JavaScript enabled, and if it does check your SWF Tools settings.default

Flash node lets you create nodes that store a piece of Flash animation. You can use it in a basic mode, where the Flash item is always displayed at the start of the node, but you can choose whether to have the Flash element displayed in both the teaser and the body, just the teaser, or just the body. You can define the height and width of the Flash element, or you can let the node use the Flash content's original settings.

The module also defines a new input filter called flashnode that you can use. This lets you re-use Flash content in other nodes by using the format [flashnode|nid=<nid>] in the body of a node. You can pass optional parameters to manipulate the display of the Flash content by including them in the macro. Parameters that are used by flash node are as follows:

  • width - set a specific width, in pixels
  • height - set a specific height, in pixels
  • scale - scale both width and height to a multiple of the original size
  • xscale - scale just the width to a multiple of the original size
  • yscale - scale just the height to a multiple of the original size
  • scalewidth - set a specific width, in pixels, and automatically adjust the height to maintain the aspect ratio
  • scaleheight - set a specific height, in pixels, and automatically adjust the width to maintain the aspect ratio
  • flashvars - set a Flashvars string to pass to the Flash movie
For example, to use Flash content from node 10, scaled to 50% of its original size you would use [flashnode|nid=10|scale=0.5]

You can include other parameters. These will not be interpreted by flash node, but will be passed on to SWF Tools which may choose to use them.

Flash node outputs content using HTML embedding and this allows flash node to work without installing any other modules. Using this basic method will result in the 'Click to activate and use this control' message under Internet Explorer.

It is recommended to also install SWF Tools as flash node will then use that to output content instead. This lets you take advantage of JavaScript insertion methods. Installing SWF Tools also enables flash node to play back mp3 and flv files via the players that SWF Tools offers. Note - at this time SWF Tools is not available for Drupal 6. Check the SWF Tools project page for the latest information.

Flash node will automatically detect SWF Tools when it is installed and content will then be inserted using the method that you specify in the SWF Tools configuration pages. If you have installed SWF Tools and can see an animation playing below then your installation is working properly and you are ready to use flash node with SWF Tools! If you can't see it then double check your SWF Tools settings. In particular check that you have downloaded and installed the necessary JavaScript packages. Refer to the SWF Tools documentation for more details.


For more help refer to the flash node documentation on drupal.org.

89060/admin/by-moduleThe following is a demonstration of Flowplayer. Note that you can change the defaults of how it looks in the Flowplayer settings.default
89061/admin/by-moduleTo create Flowplayer elements, you can either use the theme('flowplayer') function, or the flowplayer_add() function. The theme function will add the JavaScript to the page, as well as create the markup for you, while the flowplayer_add() function will just add the JavaScript.default
89062/admin/by-moduleTheme Funcitondefault
89063/admin/by-moduleCalling theme('flowplayer') will not only add the correct JavaScript to the page, but also construct the markup for you. The second argument passed through here is the video URL, but you can pass the configuration options instead as seen below.default
89064/admin/by-moduleFlowplayer Adddefault
89065/admin/by-moduleThe flowplayer_add() function will add the Flowplayer JavaScript to the page, as well as register the Drupal JavaScript behaviors to load the Flowplayer appropriately. The first argument is the jQuery selector to apply the Flowplayer element to. The second argument is the configuration options. Using flowplayer_add requires you to already have the markup created.default
89066/admin/by-moduleAudio Plugindefault
89067/admin/by-moduleThe forum module lets you create threaded discussion forums with functionality similar to other message board systems. Forums are useful because they allow community members to discuss topics with one another while ensuring those conversations are archived for later reference. The forum topic menu item (under Create content on the Navigation menu) creates the initial post of a new threaded discussion, or thread.default
89068/admin/by-moduleA threaded discussion occurs as people leave comments on a forum topic (or on other comments within that topic). A forum topic is contained within a forum, which may hold many similar or related forum topics. Forums are (optionally) nested within a container, which may hold many similar or related forums. Both containers and forums may be nested within other containers and forums, and provide structure for your message board. By carefully planning this structure, you make it easier for users to find and comment on a specific forum topic.default