Locale translation

82464/node/222852ATXOTEGI ALDEA (ETXEOSTEA)default
82466/node/210401/relatedASCARGORTA JUSOdefault
82468/node/208127Gure gustuakdefault
82469/node/211774ECHECHO CAMPOSdefault
82470/node/214498NECOLALDE AGUIRREdefault
82471/node/219598PETRI ALDEAdefault
82475/taxonomy/term/31/0?page=111. brometakodefault
82476/node/1721362. sasóe, -idefault
82481/node/216295YRIGOYEN IUSOdefault
82485/node/223877OKARANZA ARISTIdefault
82489/node/1723862. soilddudefault
82490/node/222321NARVAIZA SESTRA-LUBARRIAdefault
82492/node/157601amabirjiñia urtendefault
82493/node/1726841. takaradefault
82494/node/1716212. puéstodefault
82497/node/225808/relatedOTABELTZKO SAKONAdefault
82499/node/214499/relatedNECOLALDE TORREdefault
82501/node/158080árrak jandefault
82502/node/160278/relatedbérdin izandefault
82503/node/219561/relatedPAOLAKO TXABOLAPIAdefault
82506/node/1622082. epa!default
82509/node/1672415. kóntradefault
82511/node/207650/related15-11 IKURRIÑAK.DOCdefault
82512/node/216210/relatedYRAZABAL ECHEBERRIdefault
82513/node/215952USONDOKO JARDIÑAdefault
82514/node/220688ECHAVARRIA, Lope dedefault
82516/node/1666391. kargudefault
82517/node/1681002. lerdendefault
82518/node/1661401. jokularidefault
82519/contactYou can leave a message using the contact form below.default
82525/admin/settings/ckeditorCreate a new profiledefault
82526/admin/settings/ckeditorCKEditor Global Profiledefault
82527/admin/settings/ckeditorWhat You See Is What You Getdefault
82529/admin/settings/ckeditorThe CKEditor module allows Drupal to replace textarea fields with CKEditor. CKEditor is an online rich text editor that can be embedded inside web pages. It is a !wysiwyg editor which means that the text edited in it looks as similar as possible to the results end users will see after the document gets published. It brings to the Web popular editing features found in desktop word processors such as Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.org Writer. CKEditor is truly lightweight and does not require any kind of installation on the client computer.default
82530/admin/settings/ckeditorCKEditor websitedefault
82531/admin/settings/ckeditorUser's Guidedefault
82532/admin/settings/ckeditorMore information about the editor can be found at the !ckeditorlink. A handy !userguidelink is available, too.default
82533/admin/settings/ckeditorProfiles can be defined based on user roles. A CKEditor profile may define which pages receive the CKEditor support, which buttons or themes are enabled for the editor, how the editor is displayed, and a few other editor functions. It is also possible to define the Global Profile that will store values which will be appended to all other profiles.default
82534/admin/settings/ckeditorPlease note that only users with the "%accesspermission" !permissionlink will be able to use CKEditor.default
82536/admin/settings/ckeditorGo to the !ckeditorlink and download the latest version of CKEditor. Unpack the contents of the ckeditor directory of the downloaded file to the %ckeditordir directory.default
82537/admin/settings/ckeditorEnable the module as usual from within Drupal's administration pages.default
82538/admin/settings/ckeditorGrant permissions for use of CKEditor in the !adminpath section.default
82539/admin/settings/ckeditorAdjust CKEditor profiles in the !adminpath section. In each profile you can choose which textareas will be replaced by CKEditor as well as select the default toolbar and configure some more advanced settings.default
82540/admin/settings/ckeditorFor the Rich Text Editing to work you also need to configure your !filterlink for the users that may access Rich Text Editing. Either grant those users Full HTML access or use the following list of tags in the HTML filter:default
82541/admin/settings/ckeditorIf you are going to use CKEditor with the Filtered HTML input format, please read the "Setting up filters" section in the !readme file.default
82542/admin/settings/ckeditorTo have better control over line breaks, you should disable the %settingname setting in the chosen filter (recommended).default
82543/admin/settings/ckeditorAPI documentationdefault
82544/admin/settings/ckeditorModify the %ckconfig file to adjust CKEditor configuration to your needs (optional). Available configuration settings are available in the !apidocs.default
82545/admin/settings/ckeditorDefining field inclusions/exclusionsdefault
82546/admin/settings/ckeditorUse inclusion or exclusion modedefault
82547/admin/settings/ckeditorIn order to display CKEditor in some specific textareas where you need it, the CKEditor module provides a powerful method to define fields that should be enhanced with CKEditor. The first choice you have to make is whether you want to display CKEditor for all textareas and define a list of exceptions. You can also decide that you do not want to display CKEditor unless it is specifically enabled. This choice is made in the %settingname setting.default
82548/admin/settings/ckeditorNext, you need to define the list of exceptions. This list follows a specific syntax: the path to a field is defined by giving the content type followed by the @ character, specifying the path followed by a dot and finally appending the field name at the end. You may decide to skip the content type. The %fieldname field on the %pathname page would thus be addressed as %result. You can use wildcards * and ? anywhere in this line. If you have trouble with the field name that contains a dot, you can escape it with a backslash character (\).default
82549/admin/settings/ckeditorSome examples:default
82550/admin/settings/ckeditormatches all fields on the %pathname pagedefault
82551/admin/settings/ckeditormatches all fields called %fieldname on any pagedefault
82552/admin/settings/ckeditormatches all fields called %fieldname on pages related to node type %typenamedefault
82553/admin/settings/ckeditormatches all fields on pages related to node type %nodetypedefault
82554/admin/settings/ckeditormatches all fields on pages such as %pathname1, %pathname2, etc.default
82555/admin/settings/ckeditormatches all %fieldname fields on pages such as %pathname1, %pathname2, etc.default
82556/admin/settings/ckeditormatches fields starting with %fieldname on pages starting with %pathnamedefault
82558/admin/settings/ckeditorthe list of common problemsdefault
82559/admin/settings/ckeditorTake a look at !listlink when installing CKEditor (or check the !troubleshooting file).default
82560/admin/settings/ckeditorofficial project pagedefault
82561/admin/settings/ckeditorIf you are looking for more information, have any trouble with the configuration, or found an issue with the CKEditor module, please visit the !officiallink.default
82563/admin/settings/ckeditorMore information about how to customize CKEditor for your theme can be found !herelink.default